Presented by The Stetson Kennedy Foundation and St. Johns County Parks, this monthly folk music concert series features artists who reflect the values, spirit, and goals of Stetson Kennedy. Shows are from 2-4 p.m. and admission is a suggested donation of $10 per person. All proceeds support the Sundays at Stetson's concert series. Tours of Beluthahatchee (Stetson's cottage) may be available. Beluthahatchee Park, 1501 SR 13 N., Fruit Cove. www.facebook.com/SundaysAtStetsons
Upcoming concert schedule
- November 24. Grant Peeples
- December 8: Feed Your Neighbors
Upcoming Dates
- Sunday, November 24
- Sunday, December 8
Located on the William Bartram Scenic Highway (SR 13), Beluthahatchee Park is a four (4) acre park located within the 70-acre tract of land purchased by Stetson Kennedy in 194…