Set in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, "Bright Star" shifts between 1923 and 1945, telling the story of Alice Murphy, a literary editor with a concealed past, and Billy Cane, a young soldier returning home from World War II. As their paths intertwine, they uncover a profound secret that changes their lives forever. Tickets are $30-$35. Performances are Thursday – Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. 11 Old Mission Ave., St. Augustine. 904-825-1164 www.limelight-theatre.org
The Limelight is St. Augustine's only year-round community theater. Live shows on two stages include musicals, comedies, dramas, award-winning playwrights, and family-friendly productions. Limelight Theatre offers theater instruction for ages…